Graphic Design
Print and Digital design projects - Brochures, flyers, infographics, case studies, white papers, sell sheets, posters, rate cards and more. Print design of all shapes and sizes!

Product Guide. product photography, copywriting and graphic design.

Promotional card copywriting and design.

Corporate Case Study template design.

Cover illustration for scientific publication - worked with scientists to illustrate specific properties of the presented research.

Rate card and flyer for Proctor Ski

Digital ad campaign for Proctor Ski.

Magazine layout, advertising design and creative direction for Nashoba Valley Living Magazine - a local publication.

Graphic design for print and digital advertising campaign.

Scientific white paper template design.

Product Data sheet design.

Series of infographic facility posters.

Full page magazine advertisement campaign.

Sell sheet series.

Infographic table poster design for event.

Printed Info card.

Print design coupon campaign.

Multi-page Product Demo guide - illustration, photography and design

3 Posters created for local community theater group.

Promo postcard mailer.

Digital ad campaign.

Print and digital ad campaign and door hanger design.